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PhillyLiving and Center City Development Pledge $20,000 to Fund Neighborhood Cleanups

PHILADELPHIA–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Noah Ostroff, the Founder and CEO of PhillyLiving, one of the leading real estate businesses in the country, today announced a partnership with Glitter, a block cleaning subscription service, to support weekly litter and trash sweeping in South Philadelphia.

Ostroff, along with owners Matt Bremner, of PhillyLiving Management Group, and Mickey Murray, of Center City Development, have together pledged $20,000 to promote and fund the block cleanups. The donation will fund an initial cleanup campaign across 80 city blocks. Matching funds will subsidize additional cleanups for blocks that sign-up for a new Glitter subscription.

This philanthropic initiative launches on Monday, October 3, 2022 with neighborhood cleanups in the Graduate Hospital, Point Breeze, Bella Vista, Passyunk Square, and Dickinson Square West neighborhoods. Neighbors and businesses are invited to come out and meet Glitter cleaning crews as they sweep the blocks and share feedback and questions with members of the PhillyLiving team.

“We want the streets where we live and work and invest our time and money in to be clean. We know our clients and neighbors want the same thing, so we are proud to partner with Glitter to make an immediate and lasting impact,” said Ostroff. 

Ostroff and Morgan Berman, Glitter’s founder, met at an event in early 2022 and quickly discovered a shared desire to clean up Philadelphia neighborhoods—most of which aren’t receiving any street cleaning services from the city.

“As a lifelong Philadelphian and founder of a previous social venture, I was inspired to build a platform and team for scaling affordable and effective block cleaning,” said Berman. “One year after our launch, it’s incredible to see Glitter cleaning over 140 blocks every month. Partnerships like this with PhillyLiving help us make progress on the thousands of additional, unserved blocks across the city.”
Fred Capp, a high-producing PhillyLiving agent who is passionate about the trash and litter issue in Philadelphia, was integral to getting the companies invested in this initiative. “My hope is that together, we can make an immediate and meaningful impact in these neighborhoods and commit to making a lasting difference long after this initial campaign,” said Capp. 

To find out more about the neighborhoods receiving support or to give to the matching campaign, visit or contact Glitter at Individuals looking to buy, sell, rent or manage property with the PhillyLiving Team should contact

About PhillyLiving

PhillyLiving is all about enhancing quality of life and making it easier for people to experience moments of joy through real estate. What started as a one-man team led by Noah Ostroff in 2010 has become a full-service organization with 33 agents and an experienced in-house operations group that supports all types of real estate transactions. In 2017, PhillyLiving acquired the largest real estate rental brokerage in Philadelphia, The Philly Apartment Company, which has leased 15,000 properties to date. Most recently in 2020, a new division of PhillyLiving called PhillyLiving Management Group was formed to expand the business in the area of property management.

About Center City Development

Founded in 2010 in Philadelphia, Center City Development has acquired, developed and remodeled in excess of $300 Million of property, 775,000 gross square feet of past and future developments and 450+ new residential units. The company has specialized in the design, development, and construction of some of the most beautiful homes in Philadelphia and the custom fittings within them. We have employed hundreds of minority and non-minority workers throughout all of our projects and we are committed to making improvements to the city. Notable projects include Innovator Village at 24th and Washington, Lombard Estates at 18th and Lombard, Rittenhouse Estates at 19th and Lombard, Walnut Estates at 22nd and Walnut, Garden Square at 12th and Bainbridge, Estates on 3rd at 3rd and Locust, the Exile Building at 13th and Reed, and over 450 other properties in the Philadelphia metro.

About Glitter

Glitter is an impact-focused social venture working to solve the trash and litter crisis in Philadelphia. We serve residents and businesses with a subscription-based weekly litter cleaning service. We support living wage jobs, inclusive hiring, and more connected communities. Learn more about Glitter and kickstart a block subscription at

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