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Sabina Palermo

Sabina Palermo


Sabina Palermo grew up in the Republic of Moldova, Eastern Europe, and is fluent in both Romanian and Russian. She made the move to the USA in 2006 and after almost a decade of experience in High-End Retail and owning properties in Philadelphia herself, Sabina decided to use her skills and put them to use in Real Estate. She knows the importance of listening to ensure a complete understanding of the client’s needs and expectations. Sabina makes sure to combine that understanding with guidance and communication during the entire process, and provides her clients with all the necessary knowledge of the Real Estate industry so they can have the most positive experience before, during, and after closing.


  • Philadelphia County


  • Multi-unit Properties
  • Multi-unit Investing
  • Lots
  • Fixer-uppers
  • Retail Leasing
  • Fluent in Russian & Romanian 

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