Remelie Codilla

Remelie Codilla
Listing Coordinator
Remelie Codilla joined the PhillyLiving team in September 2019. Previously, she worked as a Property Manager in a U.S. Based Property Management Company. Prior to that, Remelie worked as a customer service representative in a home delivery pharmacy and airline company. She is a licensed nurse by profession.
As a Listing Coordinator, Remelie is responsible for preparing listing information, managing MLS and other advertising portals when needed. She is also responsible for the maintenance of the listing from pre-marketing to expiration. Remelie also handles contract preparation, processing termination of sales/rental deals and post-settlement escrow.
Remelie works remotely and currently resides in the Southern part of the Philippines, the province of Laguna together with her husband, two kids and two dogs. She loves cooking, going to the beach, and spending tie with family and friends.