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Pre-Sale Opportunities Through PhillyLiving Realty Have Begun

PHILADELPHIA — Today, representatives from PhillyLiving and Center City Development proudly attended the ground-breaking for the development of a gated community of 82 luxury homes called Innovator Village. The site is located within the Graduate Hospital neighborhood at 2401 Washington Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Center City Development will take on the multi-phased massive build, which is expected to take two years. Phase 1 includes 8 townhomes starting at $800,000, Phase 2 includes 26 townhomes, condos, duplexes, and quadplexes, and Phase 3 and 4 include 56 rental apartments with 15,000 sq. ft. of retail on the ground floor. The high end construction company is led by Mickey Murray and his partner, Noah Ostroff, who is also at the helm of the realty company, PhillyLiving, which will manage sales. Pre-sale opportunities for Phase 1 of Innovator Village have already begun and more information is available at

“There has been an unprecedented amount of change on Washington Avenue over the past few years and it’s certainly the place to be,” stated Mr. Ostroff. “We’re proud to contribute to the exciting transformation in Philadelphia, knowing that we’re building great communities right in the center of an active and growing area.”

The 3,000 sq. ft. homes in Phase 1 of Innovator Village will feature 4 spacious bedrooms, 3.5 baths, a 2-car garage, hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, large walk-in closets with custom-built shelving, and a private roof deck with skyline views. The community is conveniently located with easy access to Drexel University, CHOP, Penn University, I76, restaurants, shops, and public transportation. The community plan also includes bike racks and plenty of trees along Washington Avenue, 24th Street and 25th Street.

About PhillyLiving:

PhillyLiving is all about enhancing quality of life and making it easier for people to experience moments of joy through real estate. What started as a one-man team led by Noah Ostroff in 2010 has become a full-service organization with 33 agents and an experienced in-house operations group that supports all types of real estate transactions. In 2017, PhillyLiving acquired the largest real estate rental brokerage in Philadelphia, The Philly Apartment Company, which has leased 15,000 properties to date. Most recently in 2020, a new division of PhillyLiving called PhillyLiving Management Group was formed to expand the business in the area of property management.

About Center City Development:

Since 2010, Center City Development has specialized in the design, development, and construction of some of the most beautiful homes in Philadelphia and the custom fittings within them. The development company has employed hundreds of minority and non-minority workers throughout all of its projects and is committed to making improvements to the city. Notable projects include Lombard Estates at 18th and Lombard, Rittenhouse Estates at 19th and Lombard, Walnut Estates at 22nd and Walnut, Garden Square at 12th and Bainbridge, Estates on 3rd at 3rd and Locust, the Exile Building at 13th and Reed, and over 150 other properties in the Philadelphia metro.

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